James Hardie Siding

What is James Hardie Siding

James Hardie Siding 1This type of coating was developed by James Hardie. For this reason, the name is referred to. Unlike other siding types, it is referred to as the cement board. In the raw material of this plate, sand, wood pulp, cellulose fiber, and cement is obtained from the merger. It is one of the most popular siding materials nowadays.

In addition to being fire-resistant, this combination made it a termite and insect resistant material. For such reasons, an indispensable siding brand has been created. Besides being long-lasting, it accommodates many color options. All these positive effects have led to increased use. It allows the creation of different views of many styles possible. It is very low maintenance but costly installation. If you want to know other populer types of siding, read this : https://boardandbattensiding.net/siding-types/

Hardie Siding Installation

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Hardie siding is obtained from a mixture. It is produced by combining sand, wood pulp, cellulose fiber, and cement in certain proportions. After the manufacturing stage in the factories, the coloring stage is started. Thus, ready-made cement slabs are offered for use. These multi-style sheets can be optional to the user.

The design makes it look like tile cladding or board cladding, offering quite different views. In the installation of Hardie Siding, one type of plate is used. In general, horizontally angled installation is performed. It will make a wise decision to do before the installation.

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Then the fastening elements should be used in a way that the Hardie Siding touches one another and where they touch. There are many companies for the installation of hardie siding which goes in the logic of Board and Batten installation. Those who wish to leave the work to the expert should directly contract with a contractor. Attention should be paid to the door and window cavities and mold should be formed accordingly.

Easy installation work can be done easily under suitable conditions. In general, this coating material varies between $3 and $4.5. However, it should be included in transportation, labor, etc. fees. For more info of siding installation, read this : https://boardandbattensiding.net/how-to-install-board-and-batten-siding/


Hardie Siding Colors

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This type of coating combines multiple styles. Various options are available. There are styles like HardiePlank, HardieShingle, HardiePanel. Aesthetically offers different designs. The color chart shows that is quite rich. It contains many colors. There is a wide range of Board and Batten Siding. The diversification of the user’s wishes in today’s technology has led to the expansion of this range and the formation of quite different color tones. Today, many colors are used in line with the wishes of the user and consultation with the consumer company.  You can also read this post : Most Populer Colors For Board and Batten Siding


Hardie Siding Cost

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Hardie Siding is a long-lasting and durable coating. It also offers a 15-year warranty. Also, being a mixture ensures that this cement board is resistant to termites and fire. This material, which is ex-factory, is very heavy, so it may face costly problems such as transportation. It is cheaper than board and batten siding but more expensive than vinyl coating.

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Hardie siding is a difficult material under construction and requires craftsmanship and is another factor affecting the cost. It also requires special equipment to cut the material and so on. It is impossible to establish with a single worker, it requires much manpower, it is very laborious to move. It should be noted in the cutting and installation works that this cement is a slab, it will produce a lot of dust and therefore requires more equipment. However, it is a material that does not require maintenance and will last for many years.  Read this post for cost details of siding : https://boardandbattensiding.net/board-and-batten-siding-costs/

Photo Gallery of James Hardie Siding

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For more models of James Hardie siding, you can visit offical website : https://www.jameshardie.com/


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