Steps On How To Launch The Batten Siding Installation

Are you planning to renovate or build a new home and wondering what to do with the exterior? Pay attention to batten siding – a very interesting and well known method for home design. The material is suitable for both an expensive and a simple country home. However, siding alone is not enough for the finishing touch – you will need other materials, called additional elements. And today one of these materials is being considered – the finishing strip for the board and batten siding Installation.

Sometimes the length of the walls is longer than the length of the siding boards. In this case, it is necessary to increase the length by installing segments of certain sizes. An H-shaped bar is used to connect them closely to the main fairing panels. It is attached to the box on the left and right with self-tapping screws. The outside of the H-shaped plank remains in view after joining it to the siding, so choosing its color should be approached responsibly.

One Of The Best Options Is The Siding

The quality and durability of such a finish is ensured not only by using a good element, but also by the presence of a strong and reliable frame.

Batten Siding Installation

Installing The End Strip For The Siding Under The Cornice

We will describe the steps of installing the finishing strip for the siding in the form of a step by step guide.

Step 1. Prepare the walls of the house for the installation of battens and siding – remove old paint and plaster and remove any protruding materials.

See also  Useful Information For Board And Batten Siding Installation

Step 2. On the surface of the walls, form an even and strong twist from a wooden bar.

Step 3. Insulate the walls of the house with mineral wool. Place it between the materials of the battens and secure it with washer dowels. Pull the vapor and windproof film over the insulation.

Step 4. Start the siding installation yourself – install the starter, corner, and H-shaped strips and place the panels in between yourself. It is not necessary to tighten the screws all the way. Leave a space of approximately 1 mm between the screw head and the surface of the finishing strip.

Step 5. Measure the distance from the penultimate siding plate to the top of the target plank. Subtract 3 mm from the resulting.

Step 6. Measure the siding board and cut it to the appropriate height using the measurements from the previous one. Then make holes in its upper part with perforating pliers. The distance between them should be 10 cm. If you are laying the siding, install the end strip according to the steps described above. Only in this case, install the additional material together with the corner profile, while the mounting holes must coincide.

If you follow the instructions above, you will successfully install the target bar and get a nice and durable surface for your facade.



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