What Kind Of Wood Is Used For Board And Batten Siding?

Which type of batten siding, surface treatment and constructive wood protection make sense for boards? In general, most construction plans are implemented in spruce because it is available very quickly and is the cheapest.

Rough Sawn Boards

Rough-sawn boards are sufficient for simple wall cladding, tree houses or roofs. When rough-sawn boards are painted, they absorb much more paint than their planed counterparts. This also makes them a little more robust against environmental influences. Planed boards have the advantage that the surface is smooth and the wood is always a bit more straight than rough-sawn boards or planks. The surface has less of the rustic. Rough-sawn battens are used as supporting timbers for tiles or as a substructure for wooden on ceilings, walls or floors. Planed slats have the advantage that they are kiln-dried and therefore less prone to warpage and cracks. A real advantage when it has to be right down.

For customers who cannot or do not want to paint, there is the option of finished treatment or pressure impregnation. Boiler pressure impregnation is an introduction process in which the wood in a boiler is flooded with impregnation liquid and pumped into the wood cells by overpressure. The advantage of pressure impregnation is that the penetration depth is greater and more even than with painting or spraying.


In general, in order to achieve a longevity of the batten siding, you should first pay attention to the structural wood protection. These are all measures that divert the water from the wood or prevent waterlogging. Examples of constructive weather protection are a generous roof overhang to protect the wall, slopes in decking so that the water has a running and no puddles, a blinding layer when wood is to be built on the ground or a drip nose at the ends or edges of the boards to determine the water drainage .

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If you are planning a long-lasting and expensive wood, then first and foremost you should think about constructive wood protection. When you are done with it, think again a lot about constructive wood protection and its costs. And when you are done with it, the type of wood does not matter. The plan will last a long time.


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